I asked the girls what they thought I should write about today. Brooke said, "Saying thank you", (she was still feeling good from church), and Rachel said, "Little House on the Prairie". Two of my favorite topics-how do I choose? I choose neither. Instead, I will talk about something entirely unrelated to that, yet equally as important...... ME.
So, I have entered into a new phase of life. I enjoy these transitions because they cause me to reevaluate my priorities and start afresh. Rachel began the first grade(CRAZY!) and Brooke started pre-school 3 days a week. So, with the baby napping in the morning, I actually get some quiet time to do....what? That is the question. With so many things to do, that would be so much easier to accomplish without the interruption of children, where do I begin? I was having this inner turmoil on my first morning of quiet. There was not a sound to be heard. Do I revel in it and take a nap? Do I begin some neglected project from years past? Do I clean without the fear that some child's feet will trample across the freshly mopped floor? What do I do? I'll tell you what I did. I read Eclipse-the third book in the infamous Twilight series. Now, you can make fun all you want, and I deserve it, but I tell you what, I need CLOSURE, people. I've invested too much of my life to throw it by the wayside now.
Shawn does not understand this issue. Just last night, in fact, I was sighing loudly at each page turn, as I was painfully trying to finish the book, and Shawn said, "Why are you torturing yourself? Just stop reading it." What? Stop reading? You mean-BEFORE the end of the book? I physically can not do that. Why? The answer is CLOSURE. I need closure to feel like I can shut the door and move on. Shawn does not have this issue. He can decide in his mind that the conversation is over, and close it, or decide it's time to leave a party, and leave. Or the book is too slow, or the TV show is too predictable, and he'll shut it off. WOW. If only...
I need to know how things finish. I need to feel like everything is put in it's place before I move on. This is just the way it is. So, until I find out if Bella becomes a vampire, the neglected projects, the clean house, and the nap(sigh) will have to wait.
Do you have closure issues? If, so, in what way? And if you don't have closure issues, how do you cope? Let's start a healthy dialogue.
(And to those of you reading Breaking Dawn, is it worth it to keep going? because I don't know how much more I can take...)
Sarah!!! Okay, I am on New Moon right now, and I am not as into it as I was with Twilight, but I have sneaked a head a little bit (ha), and it looks like things are going to get interesting, and Edward will show up again, which is what I want! That stinks you don't like Eclipse, call me and tell me why! I meant to ask you about your free time and Rachel starting first grade and Brookie starting pre-school when we last talked on the phone, that is great. Honey, I say you can watch some "Days of our Lives" (haha). Anyway, love you!
I do not have closure issues, as I have walked away from many a book. In fact, I would venture to say I have walked away from more books than I have finished. What does that say about me? I have also walked away from relationships with no closure either. So....I am no use to you, obviously...
It warms my heart that your daughter wanted you to talk about Little House on the Prairie. I am glad to know the joy of Laura Ingalls is being passed on to future generations.
Mary-you'll like the rest of New Moon, but Eclipse is just all kinds of dumb-with the drama and the almost sex-scenes, I might just have to give you the reader's digest version.
Kami-I wish I had your strength. I think subconsciously I'm hoping my knowledge of vampires will come in handy at parties, and then I will feel smart and special. But I'm banking on NOT. Yes, Little House is such a great book/show...love it!
Since I gave birth to you let me just say that closure is a good thing....no open ends....task completed.....move on. But just so we are clear, I need you to respond to this comment so I can know you read it. I need closure, remember? heehee mom:)
Sarah, don't know if you remember me-but I found Marys' blog and thus your blog..so this is Shelby McLaughlin (maiden name Jones) from Jarrettown. I think that sometimes the books were a bit slow (so I find skimming a great way to get to the meat of it all :) but I think the books ended very well with everything in its right place. Being a new mom, I revel in the quiet moments, but sometimes get caught up in a good book and then think, she's still asleep so now I can get a nap...no sooner do I lay my head down that she wakes up! Such is life and luckily it's beautiful. So is your family! It was great to see you guys!
Wow. I was just thinking about writing a post about this very thing. I always stay up too late finishing a movie or a tv show. Josh says let's finish it tomorrow, but I cannot! I thought I had some kind of disorder, but you are the most sane person I know, so that can't be it. I can't stop a book to read a new one. I can't begin a new project until the first one is finished. I haven't started those books. I don't want to get stuck in them. I too have a huge list of things to do while the boys are asleep and reading hasn't been on it for a while. Maybe I should re-evaluate my priorities and start doing some more fun things like that. Fun post!
Sar, I noticed you haven't fixed our blog address on yours....it is now: thegramppfam.blogspot.com
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