I have refrained up until now from posting anything political. I'm sure you all know where we here at the Mag house stand. But seeing as how the election is 8 days away and there is a lot of interesting info coming out of the wood works concerning certain candidates, I can stay silent no longer. This urgency has been brewing for some time, and finally reached its tipping point when I woke up this morning to the voice of Mr. Obama, verbally tearing the framework of our country and its constitution apart. My first thought was "He must not understand the Constitution very well to be saying these things." Then, it hit me that he does understand it VERY well, he just DOESN'T LIKE IT. He DOESN'T LIKE that every man has the God-given right to life.(just look it his radical views on abortion.) He DOESN'T LIKE that every man has the right to liberty(he doesn't trust the notion that every man is given a freedom of choice by God). He DOESN'T LIKE that we can all pursue our own happiness.(He would like to the government to determine when you've had enough happiness and redistribute it to someone else.) You can label him a socialist, Marxist, facist, whatever you will, but the truth stands as this: Barack Obama disagrees with the fundamental principles that this country was founded upon and will stop at nothing to influence those around him, until there is nothing left of this country that we recognize to be from God. This is not a "he said, she said" issue anymore. This is as blatant as the sun shines, and the Pide Piper has begun to play a sweet tune that will lead the citizens of this country down a slippery slope if we let him.
SO-with this in mind, I encourage all to find out for yourself(that means don't watch NBC, ABC, CBS, etc.) where each candidate stands and choose wisely by doing the following:
1. Read the Constitution.
2. Read the Constitution AGAIN.
3. Deside which candidate will uphold its principles more fully.
4. Deside which candidate will elect Supreme Court justices that will uphold its principles more fully.
5. Deside which candidate will uphold your God-given rights to life,(look at abortion views) liberty,(the right to free speech and to defend yourself) and the right to pursue your own happiness(i.e. your freedom to determine your own prosperity)
I know I'm preaching to the choir, but this is a serious decision. Let's make it a GOOD ONE!
Amen and Amen. Here's a great slogan we saw at a Mccain rally on TV: "Obama Bin Lyin."
I love it! I'm gonna use that one!
very well put! Obama has said that he believes the constitution in fundamentally flawed. How can he intend to stand up and take an oath to defend the constitution if he thinks it's flawed!!! Oh - he just burns me!
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