Sunday, October 5, 2008

Granny's undying wisdom....

I was telling my grandparents about Shawn, back in the early days of our relationship, filling them in on all of the perfect and irresistible qualities he possessed. Granny responded by asking one simple question: "Honey, does he come from good people?"
Down in the "holler" of Kentucky, it didn't matter what kind of house you lived in, or the job you had to make ends meet, or the clothes you wore, when compared to the kind of people you came from. Your "people" said a lot about you, and in the holler, where everyone knew everyone else's people, it mattered.
I responded to Granny's question(and still do) with a resounding "YES!" So this is a shout out to all the peeps of the Magelsen clan. Them's GOOD PEOPLE!!

So, according to Granny's philosophy, if Shawn had been a complete loser but he came from good people, does that legitimize an eternal marriage? Mmmm.....I wonder. Good thing he wasn't. Which leads me to another thought..... does a person's NAME give any indication as to the kind of person they are? We've all been in situations where we suggest a baby name to our pregnant friend/relative, only to be met with a sneer and a comment like: "I knew a ____ once and he/she was a big time ______.'' All of the Shawns I've ever known were trouble makers. But MY Shawn isn't a--oh, wait. Well-anyway, I'm really diving into my inner self here, so I'll stop and say, I'm from good people and I married into good people, and I hope I raise my girls to appreciate that they're from good people too. Now I will conclude with a poem I wrote with a friend during eight grade geometry class:


Just because her name is Bertha
Doesn't mean she's big.
Just because his name is Erwin
Doesn't mean he's a nerd.
What's in a name?
Not much-
Just some letters.

How can I remember that after all these years? It's a gift, people. And how did I fare in geometry? The fact that I was writing random poetry says it all. I'm not a math person. And obviously not a poet, either. Any thoughts on the name game?


Mary said...

HILARIOUS!!! Honey, I say you are a hoot.

Karissa Magelsen said...

Oh, garsh, Sar. Thank you for join us good people. Your poetry = inspirational.

Kristy Rolph said...

I like your post.. it is so true though you are definately from good people and I am so truly grateful to be a part of your wonderful family. I love all you guys so much.. I cannot wait to see you all at christmas!!!

Kamilli Vanilli said...

Coming from good people is important. You better know what kind of crazy house you married into before you take the plunge.
Although I have known many a freak that came from "good people," so it can only go so far. And I've known some great people who came from some horrible family situations....BUT...when you can get BOTH (as you did with dear Shawn-a-thon), then you are lucky indeed. So well done.

Lucky Mommy said...

You are so funny! Please convince Josh that Enoch and Myrtle, although honorable enough, are NOT good choices for a child born in this generation! I love that you were writing silly poems during geometry. My friend and I filled notebooks with similar sonnets. I miss you!

Nicole said...

Roses are red,
violets are blue,
your my sister friend,
and I am glad of it too!

Anonymous said...

I am honored that you have quoted (and remembered) our beautiful work! I am also glad that you did not quote some of our "rougher" drafts, such as "S.P. Tact". So happy to have reconnected. I loved reading your beautiful posts!I can't remember geometry either, but I believe we wrote an Ode to the teacher.