Tuesday, November 4, 2008


HAPPY ELECTION DAY....I wanted to add a list of songs that, well, just make me smile, or make the whole family want to dance around the living room. It turned out to be a very eclectic group of tunes that conjure up some fun memories of the past. Hopefully, this will help us all cope with what may lie ahead. That and a good dose of happy pills.


Mary said...

Love the tunes, Sar! I have a couple of Erasure songs on my playlist on the blog as well, gotta love those songs! Miss you and wish you were here :( Bye luv.

Julie said...
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Julie said...

Oh - funny I just got to "Grandma's Feather Bed". That cracks me up that you have that on your playlist!!!! I remember having to choreograph a clog dance to that song in college - oh the memories, it makes me want to get up and dance! Does it have special meaning to you? Is there a special reason you have it on your list??? SOOOOo funny!