Anyway, in April we celebrated Brooke's birthday, our 1o year anniversary, a some other fun adventures you might be interested in seeing. Enjoy!!!
For Brooke's birthday we got her a Webkin which is something I vowed I would never buy because it requires the computer and major tutoring from a parent to learn everything, and my brain hurts, remember? But I succombed to the pressure and got one for her, which means I had to get one for Rachel, too, and therefore I surrendered to another one of my pet peeves and that is getting your non-birthday child a gift for fear of them being sad that the birthday child is getting something they really want, too. What is happening to me? Her birthday is only two months away. Whatever. I did it and it's done!
I have to say that I am not a fan of the Webkins. We've played the games on the website twice, and I had a headache, the girls were frustrated that the couldn't play everything, so lucky for me, they just like playing with them as they would any of their other stuffed animals. Maybe they'll forget about the virtual world out there that gives me utter annoyance.
Anyway-enough of that-it was a great birthday and I scored with the cake. Brooke requested a rainbow with clouds and I think I delivered pretty good. Ignore the brown stuff on the bottom which is the old icky pan peeking through. It was the only one I had that would fit the cake. And, of course, there were no candles (because of the smell) and no singing of the traditional Happy Birthday song(we chose a Primary one), so my sensory overloaded child was very happy indeed.
I love you Brookie and can't believe you're FIVE!!
(Ironically enough, I was taking Kristina to an appointment she had for a small eye procedure that very morning, and I drove through the intersection I gave birth to Brooke in at around the same time it happened five years ago. I'm pretty sure I felt labor pains.)
Let's see, what else......oh yes. We attempted to get a picture of the girls in their Easter dresses. They looked so pretty, but no one wanted to cooperate. Here is our attempt:
I love the "lady-like" pose, Rachel.
Please-no more pictures!
Okay-she's officially cute.
I am SO done with pictures!
Thanks to Grandma Rolph who watched the kids, we had a nice weekend get-away to celebrate 10 years of matrimony! Time flies when you're having fun, and kids:) We spent a day in Seattle walking the market and enjoying the sunshine. Followed by a night in Portland and a night at a cabin along the Columbia River Gorge. It was such a sunny and relaxing weekend. We went on a couple of short hikes and saw some beautiful scenery:
Multnomah Falls-gorgeous!
At the top of Beacon Rock overlooking the Columbia River-another beautiful place.
I'd say we've changed a bit in 10 years...but still young in spirit:)
Well-that's enough for now. These pictures are taking too long to post, so I will close with a Happy Belated Mother's Day to all of those wonderful mothers out there who I love and adore!
Sarah, I have MISSED you!!!! I keep checking your blog for updates. I am a terrible friend because I haven't called more. I did a shout out to you and your family when we whizzed by Marysville. I was gong to call, but we were only up at Eric's mom's house for Easter one night. It was way too fast of a trip! Did you hear about Cindy? Check out her blog!!!! Also, I have some news myself..... love ya girl. Call me when you have a second to catch up. I never like to call when I have time because it is always around dinner time and that is the last thing you need! BTW--You look fabulous!
Sarah - love the post, pictures, writing. It's all great.
Man, I envy your braveness for child #4. Do I sound like a broken record? I think I've said that to you already . . . must be because I'm so conflicted over going ahead with more "baby-makin." I'm scared for #4. Not sure if I can handle it!!!!
I agree about the Webkins. You make me laugh
My nieces=squishable.....and I secretly feel that Brookie and Kristina look like me when I was little...and Kristina looks like little E kind of. Aww sheeangi.
I have really missed you but I understand being too tired to blog. I'll look forward to regular posts when this next baby starts Kindergarten! Ha! I love the Easter pictures. It hurts me that I don't know Kristina very well. I can't wait to see you all next month and hopefully get a few kisses in on those luscious cheeks of hers! I'm glad you had a happy anniversary. Feels like just a couple of years since we were all sitting around our kitchen table at our duplex in Provo. You're a great mom. I'm glad to hear Brooke enjoyed her b-day. That cake is amazing!
Ærowyn says, "I wish Brooke a Happy Birthday and I love her pretty birthday cake. Brooke, I love you. Have a Happy Birthday. I want to come play at your house again. Have a happy holiday. That's all."
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