Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Happy Times

Today I want to remind myself of happy times. And when I've had a day when the baby is crying, the toddler is about to take off her poopy diaper, the kindergartner is asking me how to spell something, and the second grader is threatening utter destruction if she can't watch t.v., all at the same time, I will look at this post and remind myself that I would lay myself in front of a train for these little ones. But, please, let me have an hour of quiet first, ok?

We blessed Kate in our home in September. She was wearing a dress made by her Grandma Colleen. It is so beautiful, inside and out, just like Grandma said she is. It was a special day because cousin Florence was blessed also. I marvel at the birth of every baby. They are true miracles sent from heaven.

Bruce is a stuffed dog we got Rachel for Christmas when she was a year and a half old. I've never seen a child be so excited for something in my life. That was the best Christmas for us as new parents because we actually got a good reaction from her. When we asked her what his name was she said "Bruce", without a flinch or a pause. It was like she knew all along: "If I ever get a stuffed St. Bernard I will name him 'Bruce'." Bruce is her buddy, her pal, and he's as close to a real dog I think we'll ever get. We always get a picture of the new baby with him to capture his enormity and their smallness(i think I made that word up). This is Kate at a few weeks old. Love this dog.

I love this. Heart's a-flutter.

Doesn't it satisfy you when your husband gets a small taste of what you go through caring for infants? Unfortunately, Shawn got a much bigger taste than he bargained for.

I don't know why I've always liked this picture. It's not the best quality, but they both look so cute. This is Rachel when she was 2 years old. She was so brave to get in the water with Dad, and he was so proud to have a brave water baby. I love when I can tell Shawn is at his happiest. It's usually when he can get one of his kids to join him in fun activity. The other day he went on a jog with Rachel riding her bike beside him. He was in Daddy heaven.

I was in Mommy heaven in this picture. I was in the good stage of pregnancy, it was a sunny day(but not too hot), and we were at the park with Dad. We weren't in a hurry to get anywhere. It was a good day.


Kristy Rolph said...

Cute post Sarah!!! I'm so excited that you will be in sacramento next month. It's so fun to visit with you and I can't wait for baby Kate & Rowyn to stare at eachother!! Is that baby throw up on shawns face... sooo gross, but I do have to say I love when those kind of things happen to the daddys so they truly know what we really go through!!!

Kamilli Vanilli said...

What cute photos! Love the one with Shawn. Hahaha. Poor guy. And that one of Rachel and Brooke hugging is priceless.

Lucky Mommy said...

Happy times. I love looking at cute pictures of the boys when they're acting like holy terrors. It helps with the ol' perspectivo. I can't imagine 4 kids all wanting you at once. I go crazy when the boys talk to me at the same time and there's only two of them. Hang in there! I've heard duct tape is good for keeping diapers on!

Alli Hunter said...

What a great post! I was just thinking yesterday I need to post something reminding myself to enjoy the little things about being a gets really hard sometimes! Your girls are so cute!! -Alli

Mary said...

Sar, I love these pictures! Gorgeous girls...I hope our little girls are as cute as yours......miss you sugah....and....I need to call you... ;)

josh and stef said...

Hi Sara! This is Stef Knox. Your kids are adorable. Check out our blog.

Laura said...

Hey Sarah,
I remember you mentioned your brother is a graphic designer. Have him check this out: :)

Julie said...

what sweet pics - the baby throw up on Shawns face is gross, but priceless. . .ha ha!!

Catherine said...

Girl, I feel ya with the kids all needing you & pulling you in different directions all the time. I've developed an aversion to kids hanging on me. Sometimes I can't even handle being touched -- when I've had too much that day!!!

LOVE the puke on Shawn's face. CLASSIC.

Kristy said...

It's a good thing we have those precious moments or I don't think any of us would be moms! The dress is beautiful and what an special moment for your family. Tell Shawn he looks good with a white beard... has he ever thought of being Santa? (lol)