Wednesday, July 9, 2008


Summer has officially arrived in the Seattle area! It takes awhile, but when it comes, the wait is all worth it! 70's and 80's with low humidity and beautiful sunshine, followed by cool breezes in the evening-you can't beat that! Aside from the subzero temps of the lake water, I can handle it. We've been spending some time in the sun, going to beaches and lakes, and letting the girls dig in the sand where ever they go. Brooke could literally dig for hours. There is something about creating a big pile of sand that is so fulfilling to her. When we went to the zoo for Rachel's birthday, she had to stop every few feet to make new "piles" of dirt on the path. The urge to let the dirt run through her little fingers was so enticing, she couldn't resist. It's like her addiction-I love it. Enjoy the pictures of our fun in the sun. What is it about little bums with "wedgies" that's so darn cute?


Kristy Rolph said...

Hi Sarah, your girls are the cutest things ever!! I agree with the little bums with wedgies... they are adorable. We miss you guys, I'm glad you are having a fun summer!

Lucky Mommy said...

Hurray for summer! I'm so glad you're able to be out enjoying things more. Brooke's sand addiction is so cute. Maybe she'll be an organizer or something when she gets older. You can put her to work sorting laundry into piles for the time being! Kristina is such a dolly. Is she getting any teeth or starting to crawl or anything? I need an update on my fellow Kristina with a "K"!

Mags said...

Thanks, guys! They are cute-just like their cousins. We need them to play together!! And Rachel will be able to babysit in a few years:) Kristina has no teeth, yet. She's sitting up and moves around on her belly, but no crawling yet either. She is a cute, happy girl. Lots of rolls to kiss and love!!!

Shelley said...

Sarah, your girls are so cute. I love the picture of your baby with the sunhat. We visited Seattle last year for the first time in mid-July. It was so gorgeous, I wanted to move there. Have fun enjoying the summer.

Kamilli Vanilli said...

Too cute. Loving the Seattle summer weather. Why do we leave and go to other hot, sweltering places for summer vacations? This is the time to stay PUT and enjoy it here.